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St. Matthias 

Saint Matthias 

St Matthias 

St. Matthias Anglican 

Saint Matthias Anglican 

St Matthias Anglican 

St. Matthias Episcopal

Saint Matthias Episcopal

St Matthias Episcopal

Oakdale CA Church

Oakdale Churches

Oakdale CA Churches

Oakdale, California




San Joaquin

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Modesto Anglican

Oakdale Anglican

Escalon Anglican 

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Riverbank Anglican


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St. Matthias Saint Matthias  St Matthias  St. Matthias Anglican Saint Matthias Anglican St Matthias Anglican  St. Matthias Episcopal Saint Matthias Episcopal  St Matthias Episcopal





Worshiping Jesus Christ...



Through the use of ancient Christian prayers, creeds and scripture, our worship adheres to a rhythm that has been followed in the Church since its earliest days. Specifically, we worship in the prayer book tradition of the Anglican Church, which includes the sacraments (the Lord’s Supper and Baptism), singing (both hymns and new praise songs), and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All of these things help us worship God with all that we are - our hearts, minds, and bodies!


Our worship time typically lasts an hour and fifteen minutes and is followed by coffee and fellowship.


Most people dress semi-casual (some men wear coat and tie/women wear dresses) to casual (pants, jeans, etc.), but we don't really care what you wear! Everyone is welcome and we invite you to come as you are! 



The Apostles’ Creed
(We) believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.


(We) believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead.

(We) believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AMEN.




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 ∙ Rector - Head-pastor of a local parish church.

 ∙ Vestry - The ruling board of a Church made up of elected members plus the    

 ∙ Eucharist - Derives from a Greek word meaning “to give thanks”; often used to
   describe Holy Communion.



All baptized Christians who profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are welcomed to receive the Sacrament, regardless of denomination or church background.



We certainly think so. While our beliefs are Biblical, orthodox, and reflect the theology of the Protestant Reformation, Anglicans retain some liturgies along with helpful traditions from the early Church that Roman Catholics would find familiar. So, both groups would feel very much at home. 



Some of the Text above was adapted with permission from Church of the Resurrection in Baltimore, MD and Holy Trinity Church in Raleigh, NC.

What is Anglicanism?  


The word Anglican actually means “of England.” As British Christians, compelled by the word of God and the Holy Spirit, took their faith around the world, churches were established on every continent and in many nations. British pastoral leaders encouraged autonomy and collegiality with these daughter churches, and over time, separate “provinces” of the Anglican Church were established around the world.


Today, this communion of churches now consists of 38 self-governing provinces around the world, in 164 countries, with tens of millions of members. In many places, particularly throughout the Global South, the churches of the Anglican Communion are known for their vibrant faith in God and transformational presence within their communities. Saint Matthias, Oakdale is a member of the Anglican Church of North America and the Diocese San Joaquin.


While we value our global and historical tradition, we also see ourselves as Christ followers first and part of the larger Kingdom community in the City of Oakdale and the Central Valley. 




Worship is a Verb. Anglican worship is centered around the active participation of hearing and responding to God’s Word through worship, prayer, confession, and fellowship with Christ in Holy Communion. Worship at Saint Matthias is biblically-based and shaped by the Book of Common Prayer and the Church Year (a calendar based upon the life of Christ). The Liturgical Calendar is divided into six major seasons: Advent (Christ’s Coming), Christmas (Christ’s birth), Epiphany (Christ for the whole world), Lent (a time for reflection, repentance and grace in preparation for Easter), Easter (Christ’s resurrection from the dead), and Pentecost (the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of Christ’s Church on earth) followed by “ordinary time” (growing together as the Body of Christ and His witnesses in the world).



Music and Singing–The Scriptures encourages us to, “Sing to the Lord a new song,” and to “Let every instrument be tuned for praise.” Our service includes a blended variety of music to appeal to different tastes, including both time-honored hymns which speak of and respond to the majesty of God and more contemporary songs which appeal to other tastes and temperaments.  If you are not comfortable singing a particular song, we invite you to just listen to the words and be encouraged by the truth others are singing.


The Collect—The prayer at the beginning of the service is taken from a collection of prayers that have been assembled to coincide with the church calendar. The “prayer of the day” seeks to focus the congregation together on Jesus Christ and ask the Lord to lead the congregation in worship.


Reading Scripture—We believe that the whole Bible speaks of God’s glorious gospel. Therefore we read portions of the Old & New Testaments in our services, including Psalms.


The Creeds—are statements of faith written by the early Church and recited by the people during the service after the hearing of the Word. Christians recite the Creed to recommit their lives to Christ and be reminded of what they believe. The Creeds proclaim succinctly to those interested in becoming believers in Jesus Christ what Christians believe.  The Creeds also keep the Church accountable to the gospel.


The Prayers of the People—We respond to God and His Word by relating to Him in and through prayer. In prayer we listen to the Lord, give thanks, present our petitions and requests, and pray both corporately and individually. At Saint Matthias parishioners pray both silently and aloud during the Prayers.


The Confession of Sin and Absolution—is placed after the hearing of God’s Word as an opportunity to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are given the opportunity to individually and corporately acknowledge and repent of our sins and to confess our need for Jesus Christ. The Confession is an Anglican “altar call” so to speak. The priest then proclaims the gospel: that by grace through faith in Jesus Christ complete forgiveness is offered to all who repent and trust in Christ.


The Peace—The purpose of “The Peace” before communion is for members of the church to 1) remind each other of the peace of Christ given because of the gospel, and 2) to allow members of the church who have been at odds with one another to “make peace in Christ” before they come to the communion table.  (See Matthew 5: 23—24)


The Holy Communion—Jesus Christ gave the command for his people to break bread and drink wine not only as a memorial of his death and resurrection, but as an invitation to have fellowship with Christ through faith. Anglicans believe in the “real presence of Christ” not only in the bread and wine, but among the church gathered for Communion. Thus, the whole communion service is called a “sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.” Taking communion is not just an individual encounter but a corporate experience of Christ’s Presence among His people.

Receiving Wine and Bread—All those who have trusted in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and who are “in love and charity with their neighbor” (1928 BCP) are welcome at the Lord’s Table for Communion. The bread is placed on an open palm and may be eaten followed by drinking from the common cup or may be “intincted” (dipped) into the common cup of wine. If  you do not wish to receive communion, you are welcome to come forward and cross your arms across your chest as a sign to request a prayer and blessing or to remain seated for reflection and prayer.


Physical Address: 107 S First Avenue ∙  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 26, Oakdale, California 95361  ∙  209.847.2012

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