Saint Matthias Anglican Church - Oakdale CA Churches St Matthias St. Matthias Anglican Church St Matthias Anglican Church
St. Matthias Saint Matthias St Matthias St. Matthias Anglican Saint Matthias Anglican St Matthias Anglican St. Matthias Episcopal Saint Matthias Episcopal St Matthias Episcopal
Worshiping Jesus Christ, Living in His Truth, & Blessing others in His Name.
At St Matthias we affirm with our Bishop & Diocese our commitment to cultivating an environment of love & safety where there are safeguards against harm. To further that goal, our Diocese has joined with other ACNA dioceses to form ACNAWest in the establishment of a Misconduct Reporting Office, which is intended to encourage and enable individuals to report Concerns for prompt internal inquiry and appropriate action.
Misconduct can take many forms including but not limited to: (a) questionable or improper accounting or auditing practices, (b) suspected unlawful conduct, (c) violations or suspected violations of Church or Diocesan policies or Canons (d) any observed or suspected verbal or emotional abuse, and (e) any suspected sexual misconduct (collectively referred to as “Concerns” from this point forward).
Should you need to report a concern, this can be submitted to the Misconduct Reporting Office in one of three ways:
1) Call the ACNAWest Misconduct Reporting Office: 817-988-1941
2) Email the ACNAWest Misconduct Reporting Office:
3) Complete the Report a Concern Form at the ACNAWest website, accessible through the link above and the Intake Office will contact you.