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Give to Saint Matthias Online

To give via credit or debit card, please click the donate button below to be re-directed to our PayPal page.  You do NOT need to create a PayPal account in order to give.


If you have registered to give your offering via a recurring payment , but would prefer the parish not have to pay the service fees associated with online giving, consider  switching to billpay if you bank offers it for free.  To make the switch, you can cancel your recurring payment through online giving by emailing and requesting for your recurring payment to be cancelled.  Then, be sure to set up billpay to send your offerings to P.O. Box 26, Oakdale, CA 95361. 

If you would like to give via check or BillPay, please mail to
Saint Matthias Anglican Church
P.O. Box 26
Oakdale, CA 95361

Physical Address: 107 S First Avenue ∙  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 26, Oakdale, California 95361  ∙  209.847.2012

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