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Topics covered in this course will include...


 An examination of the notion that science and Christianity have historically been "at war"

An examination of the emergence of the Creationist movement in 20th Century America 


A consideration of the scientific definition of a "theory"

An explanation (in laymen's terms) of the most recent scientific findings pertaining to the origins of the universe, life, species, & humans

An examination of six models (four of them Christian) for interpreting the scientific findings on origins


A comparison of 4 different Biblical interpretations of Genesis 1-3, which each maintain an emphasis on the authority of Scripture​ 


 A consideration of how the Doctrines of the Fall and Original Sin might be re-imagined in light of evolution

A discussion of why all of this matters, including how the prevalent secular perception that Christianity is irreconcilable with science could be impacting the success of the Great Commission  

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Listen to a Sermon

Radical? (Luke 9:51-62, Galatians 5:1, 13-25) - Father John Roberts
00:00 / 00:00
Class 11.jpg


Listen to a Sermon

Radical? (Luke 9:51-62, Galatians 5:1, 13-25) - Father John Roberts
00:00 / 00:00

Physical Address: 107 S First Avenue ∙  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 26, Oakdale, California 95361  ∙  209.847.2012

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